VELUX training can give your staff the in-depth knowledge, confidence and skills to be able to recommend the most appropriate products in our range and provide sound advice to customers. 

By sharing our technical experience, installation skills can be improved to increase profitability by reducing installation times. It also ensures the best possible installation is carried out first time, every time.

The benefits of training are mutual. For all those who sell, install and use VELUX products.

Dealer: Added-value oppportunities


5 hours


VELUX Training Academy

Glenrothes, Fife


Boost profitability through greater understanding of VELUX added-value products.

With so many VELUX products available, are you maximising your opportunities?

This session is designed to increase confidence and ability to promote the full range of VELUX products. By increasing knowledge, the session offers greater opportunity to sell the right product for the situation and improve profitability in doing so. Through better understanding of our customers and their needs, add value to your business.

The session is equally divided between theory and practical. See how simple it is to install VELUX products.

Subject covered include:

VELUX Trading Terms & Conditions

Six steps - a guide to choosing the right VELUX product

Sales Tools

Tour of VELUX showroom

Contact us now to book your place on Tel: 01592 778925 or email: